Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Top 5 Reasons Why MGR Is Great!!!

1. The members. It's like we're all one big family who is constantly growing and welcoming new members. I've made many close friends from and cherrish every friendship.

2. The fun challenges. Whether you're into scrapbooking, photography, crafting, sewing, blogging, you name it, there is something for EVERYONE at

3. The contests/raffles. There are some great prizes to be found on the raffles and contests at . Currently, the prize is a $25 Amazon gift card to the member who brings in the most members.

4. The "other" forums. There are so many forums at , there is always something to talk about. From kiddo chat, to yummy recipes, to questions we might have about womanhood, to for sale or trade forums, it's all good!

5. Easy and FREE signup and registration. It's easy and takes all of 5 minutes or less to sign up and its FREE! Alot of times I dont like to join sites or forums because it takes a while for activation to be made on my account. Activation at happens so quickly!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Digital Scrapbooking

If you are like me , in today's world you do not have much time for anything let alone sitting down to create a scrapbook for your family and friends. With a busy day full of picking up kids from school and running from here and there all those precious photos are just going to waste.

Well.. there is an answer. Digital scrapbooking. Yes, digital scrapbooking. Digital scrapbooking is just like regular scrapbooking, but it is done all on the computer! No real papers needed nor even a scissors! Digital scrapbooking is basically creating scrapbook pages using photos you have stored on your computer or photo CD along with graphics from the web to create wonderful lasting memories in the form of a scrapbook page. To create one of these master pieces all you need is basic computer skills and a digital graphics program such as Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photoshope (or Elements)..of course other programs can be used also.

There are so many advantages to ‘digi scrapping’, for one thing, there’s no glue, no mess! If all of your photos exist on your computer, why not keep them there and scrapbook them? Other than an inexpensive graphics program, there is no further cost to digi scrapping. Once you have created your digital layouts, you can put them into a digital album, upload them to your photo sharing website, burn them onto a CD or DVD, and there’s no bulky albums taking up shelving space.

To get started all you have to do is take the photo you wish to scrap and find a cute scrapbook kit to work with in your graphics program. There are a lot of awesome digital scrapbook kit designers out there that sell papers, alphabets, wordart, templates, quickpages and Embellishments. You can even find mega kits for sale for a good price if you look hard enough!

Don't have the cash to buy some scrapbook kits to start with? Well.. there are many sites out there on the web that also offer free downloads! You can find loads of free kits to use!

At My Great Retreat there is an amazing forum just for crafts and digital scrapbooking alike! Here you will find links to free digital scrapbooking sites amd Tutorials. My Great Retreat even has amazing weekly Digital Scrapbooking Challenges in which you can take part and show off your skills.

For anyone who has said “digi scrapping” is too hard, too expensive, or too time consuming – it simply isn’t true and it’s getting more and more exciting and easy as more and more people discover this truly wonderful form of scrapbooking... so give it a try yourself and see what all the craze is about.. but be careful as it quickly becomes addicting!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

This Week At MGR: September 27th

Lots going on this week at MGR ! Come join in on the fun!

1. Member of the Week is: Jaime!

2. This Week's Blog Assignment is: Favorite School Subject

3. This Week's Photography Assignment is: Sports!

4. Raffle donations due this week. Raffle

5. Win $25 Amazon Gift Card in our Referral Contest

6. As always, visit our FSOT forums for great deals, craft forums for great ideas for new projects, photography forums for tips and tutorials to better your photography skills, WAHM forums to help get your products out there and to share your favorite WAHM products with us, and all the other great forums we have.


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