Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome to Monday Madness! 

The Tuckers Take Tennessee

What is Monday Madness?

Monday Madness was created by us: mommy bloggers Micael and Meghan. Mommy, daddy, single, stay at home parent, working parent, blogger, non-blogger, pie lover, pie hater (who hates pie, seriously?).... it doesn't matter who you are or what you do, Monday's tend to be crazy, right? So we thought we would bring a little fun into your Monday routine. And at the same time you'll get to check out new blogs, network with others, make new friends and connections - multitasking at its

So what do I do to participate?

It's really easy to participate with us!  Just follow the steps below and you'll be set!

  1. Follow the hostess blogs at Saving Obsession and The Tuckers Take Tennessee for some Madness Lovin'.
  2. Add your blog name and link to the McLinky below.
  3. Grab the McLinky code and make a post on your blog about Monday Madness, so more people can join in the fun!
  4. Check out some of the blogs on the list and follow ones you like. Leave a comment to let them know you're from Monday Madness.
  5. If someone follows your blog, follow them back to keep the Madness going.
That's it! Visit and follow as few or as many blogs as you'd like! 

The McLinky will be open every Monday from 8:00 AM (Eastern Time) until Midnight (Eastern Time), that way nobody feels like they have to stay awake the night before to try to get a hot spot on the list!


  1. Hello, I am here from MM and decided to follow your blog. I hope you will check me out also. I am #3 on Mr. Linky or

  2. Hi, I am here from Monday Madness and I came over from Adventures of a Betty Crocker Wanna-Be. I'm your newest follower now, have a great Monday.

  3. Happy Monday! I am stopping by from MM! I am so glad I got a chance to find your blog . I hope you get a chance to swing by sometime over at mine at my email is if you are ever interested I would love to swap blog features sometime. Have a Wonderful Week!

  4. New follower from Monday Madness.

  5. Just came by to follow you from Monday Madness! Did I post this on the right link? It says April 26th? I'm a bit confused!


  6. I want to express my gratitude for everything that you’ve helped me achieve here.


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