MGR would love to help you get your products out there!
Calling All WAHMs!
My Great Retreat needs your help!
This is growing into such a wonderful and loving community, which is just what we want! The problem is love alone doesn't cover the cost of running a board, and this is where we need your help. My Great Retreat is going to be offering a host of different raffles and/or auctions to keep this site alive and well! We are currently looking for any WAHM who is willing to donate one (or more!) of their items to be raffled or auctioned here on the site. It doesn't have to be anything large, or high dollar (although a minimum of $10 value would be appreciated).
Just think, not only will you be helping out our great community, but you'll be getting your business out there as well! And we all know that WAHM's can use all the advertising they can get.
So please, I hope you'll consider helping us out. If you would like to, please just shoot me a PM! Thank you!
We've decided we'll do 1-2 auctions/raffles per week as donations allow. If you're going to donate, please PM me the following info:
Item(s) to be donated (if more than one please let me know if you want them auctioned together or separate)
Retail Value
Shipping Costs to winner
Website (if you have one)
Picture of item(s)
When the items will be available
I don't have anything currently for the raffle, but if I do get creative and think of something, I'll get back to you... I left you an award on my blog at Please swing by to pick it up :)